Tripcast has an overall App Store rating of 4.8 stars, based on 3.5K user reviews
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Tripcast has an overall App Store rating of 4.8 stars, based on 3.5K user reviews
“Tripcast Is A Beautiful Travel Journal For Your Smartphone. Another polished, well-built app from a talented team.”
“The students' parents back in America loved being able to see the photos at the end of every day. It made them feel like they were sharing in their kids' trip.”
M. Steitle
“Our group of 36 people of all ages found it easy to learn and use. It really added to our experience, almost like extending the trip after we were all back home.”
T. Langevin
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Collect everyone's trip photos in one place
Download them all when you get home
Photos are automatically added to the trip map
View photos by where they happened, not when
Tripcast is simple to access and use through a web browser, so anyone can join and contribute.
LoginTripcast's award winning iOS app gives you fast, mobile access and takes full use of iOS 7 and iOS 8.
DownloadTripcast for Android has been specially designed for the world's most popular mobile operating system.
DownloadShare only with the people who care the most, away from social media
Access Tripcast through gorgeous mobile apps and the web
Notifications keep friends and family updated whenever there's activity